
火斯探球 2024-04-07 10:41:41


Thats a Superteam in the first place with the so called King but couldn't make it in the Top seed


With a record of 45-33!

They're still missing their best perimeter defender and Christian Wood.

战绩为 45 胜 33 负!他们仍然缺少最好的外线防守球员和克里斯蒂安-伍德。

Scary times when playoffs come, West is wild, but you don't want to face the lakers, unless you're Denver


But wait, they’re better without Lebron, did he miss all of these games???


Didn’t secure playoffs yet. Work is not done.


4 games left. if they have won it all and say phoenix and new orleans loss 3 of their 5 remaining games, Lakers will secure 6 spot. Still have chance for the secured playoff spot. Let’s Go Lakers! No matter what, they’re in the play-in. Fight for that straight playoff berth!

还有4场比赛,如果他们全胜,而太阳和鹈鹕在剩下的5场比赛中输掉3场,湖人将确保第 6 的位置。湖人仍有机会确保季后赛席位,湖人队加油!无论如何,他们都会进入附加赛,为季后赛席位而战。

Their free throw attempts also are up as well. It’s that time of the year.


Got a feeling they're gonna play Denver in the first round. Not the match they really want, but they're playing really good basketball rn so we'll see.


Keep it going don’t celebrate keep going and see where it goes and get better


They are 8th seed but the #1 seeded team in the West are scared to face them in the first round for sure

他们是 8 号种子,但西部 1 号种子队肯定害怕在首轮面对他们。

Look directly at the amount of free-throws the Lakers shot in those 10 games compared to the amount the other teams have had...The League will bottle feed the Lakers into the playoffs


Same as last year end the season on a winning streak & take that momentum into the playoffs !


I believe if lakers win the last 4 games they will be in playoffs not in play in


Long as LeBron James and Anthony Davis are 1000% healthy it's gonna be hard beating the Lakers in a 7gm series

只要勒布朗-詹姆斯和安东尼-戴维斯保持 1000% 的健康,就很难在7场系列赛中击败湖人队。

Of course how the face of the league not make the playoffs


Bron has won every 4 years, 2012, 2016, and 2020, 2024??? talk soon

詹姆斯每四年夺冠一次,2012 年、2016 年、2020 年、2024 年?一会再聊

League should have been carrying us to wins all this time they wait til the last few games of the season to help


Someone laugh on my comment last time when i said 8-2 coz its impossible. Now they’re 9-1. Where are the haters?

有人嘲笑我上次说的8胜2负,因为这是不可能的,现在他们是 9 胜 1 负,黑子们都去哪儿了?

As a GSW fan this breaks my heart why does the Lakers keep winning while my warriors isn't


7 of those wins have been against awful teams. Lakers are setting up their fans for a huge disappointment.

其中 7 场胜利的对手都是糟糕的球队,湖人队正在让他们的球迷大失所望。

Lakers have way more talent than Oklahoma and Dallas they should have a way better record…next week they gonna say Lebron needs more help smh




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