
上海外事商务咨询中心 2024-05-17 12:56:45

In the process of visa consultation for various countries in China, we found that some applicants could not distinguish between individual visa types, chose the number and validity period of visas at will, and prepared materials that did not meet the requirements or were incomplete and incorrect. Such applications will lead to rejection or extension of the application process. Today, Yitong has sorted out some of the main common problems in applying for Chinese visas, in order to help applicants "go through it once" and obtain Chinese visas more efficiently and conveniently.


I. Can't distinguish the types of common visas?


Q1 is a long-term reunion visa, which is suitable for long-term reunion if you stay in China for more than 180 days. The number of entries is only once, and you should apply for a foreigner's residence certificate to the entry-exit management agency of the public security organ in the place of your intended residence within 30 days from the date of entry.

Q1是长期团聚签证,适用于在中国停留180日以上的长期团聚,入境次数只有1次, 且应当在入境之日起30日内,向拟居留地公安机关出入境管理机构申请办理外国人居留证件。

Q2 is a short-term family visit visa, which is suitable for short-term family visits for stays in China for no more than 180 days. The L visa application is for tourists to China, and a round-trip ticket reservation form must be submitted. If there is a domestic invitee, you must submit the invitation letter and the front and back of the invitee's Chinese ID card. If there is no invitee, you must submit a hotel reservation form during your stay in China. If there is an invitee in China and the invitee is a relative of the applicant, you should apply for a Q2 visa without submitting a ticket reservation form or hotel reservation form.


The S2 visa is applicable to short-term visits to foreigners who stay or stay in China, or other private affairs, and stay in China for no more than 180 days. If the visiting object is a Chinese citizen or a foreign citizen with permanent residence in China (holding a "foreigner permanent residence identity card"), he/she should apply for a Q2 visa.


The M visa application is for people who go to China for commercial trade activities.


The Z visa is generally applicable to short-term or long-term work in China when employed by employers in China.


II. Distinguish between visa validity period, number of entries and length of stay


Once in 3 months, twice in 6 months, multiple in 6 months, one year or more. Generally speaking, the term of validity means that the visa can go to China within the prescribed time range, expired. The number of entry refers to the number of times that can enter Chinese mainland within the validity period, and the number of use is invalid. The term of stay is the time limit of being allowed to stay after each entry.


III. The validity period of the visa you plan to apply for shall not exceed the validity period of the passport.

三、计划申请的签证有效期 停留期限不超过所持护照有效期。

If you apply for a Chinese visa for the first time, you can't generally issue multiple visas for many years.


IV. How can the expedited service reduce the time to apply for the certificate?


The visa processing time is generally 4 working days. Due to special emergencies, you can apply for expedited service, and the processing time will be shortened to 2-3 working days.


V. The invitation letter can be written by hand or filled in the electronic device.


However, the handwriting should be clear and recognizable. The invitee must sign at the signature office. The format of invitation letters required for different types of visas is different. Pay attention to whether it meets the requirements.

但应字迹清晰、可辨认. 邀请人须在落款处亲笔签字。不同种类签证所需的邀请函格式有所不同. 注意辨别是否符合要求。

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