
上海外事商务咨询中心 2022-06-29 19:08:52

Recently, many foreign friends ask what kind of materials can be used to prove their relationship with Chinese nationals when they apply for an entry visa to visit relatives or change their visa to a reunion visa in China?


How can foreigners prove their kinship with their immediate family members of Chinese nationality? What certificates can be used for handling?


Birth certificate (notarization of relationship): the birth certificate can be used by foreigners to prove their kinship when they apply for a family visit visa, a residence permit for family reunion, a green card for parents and children, a travel permit and a registered permanent residence at home and abroad through their Chinese immediate family members (such as parents, children, parents in law, parents in law, grandparents, etc.). Overseas birth certificates and / or relationship certificates can be used in China only after they are certified by the Embassy at Level 3.


Specific uses of birth paper


1. For registered permanent residence: the citizenship system implements the principle of landing. Babies born abroad automatically recognize foreign citizens, and children who have not yet joined foreign nationality can return home and settle down


2. For school: in China, children need to provide birth certificates to go to school


3. For visa extension: for children returning home to visit their relatives for tourism, etc., when the visa expires, the birth certificate is required for visa extension


4. Used for one-time entry-exit pass


5. It is used to apply for foster care and foster the child in the home of relatives and friends in China. It is necessary to provide a birth certificate (the following takes the United States as an example)


Three steps for notarization and certification of overseas birth certificate


Step 1: entrust a local notary to notarize the birth certificate


Step 2: send the notarized documents to the U.S. Secretary of state and the Ministry of foreign affairs for authentication


Step 3: send the documents to the Chinese Embassy and consulate in the United States for certification


All procedures for overseas birth certificate certification are verified at the place of birth. If the person is in China, and the person concerned is not familiar with the handling organization and the specific procedures, the normal use of the documents will be delayed. In addition, if the person handles it in person, the acceptance time will be delayed.


It is suggested that the applicant may entrust a professional institution to handle the application, so as to avoid that the documents handled do not meet the certification requirements required at the time of application. At present, the cycle of embassy certification is expected to be 6-8 weeks.


However, when preparing for document certification, many foreigners are difficult to distinguish the difference between document certification and blind search for a third-party organization for certification, which finally leads to the fact that the certified documents do not meet the certification requirements for handling residence permits.Unable to obtain a long-term residence permit and face the risk of leaving the country!


Therefore, when handling the certification of documents, first of all, it is necessary to communicate with the third-party organization to clarify the purpose, and ensure that the third-party organization has relevant experience in handling this business, so as to avoid more detours.


Materials required for family visit visa application:


1.Valid passport


2.Passport, residence booklet and identity document of related person;


3.Kinship Certificate (marriage certificate certification, birth certificate certification, relationship notarization, etc.)


4.Other required materials, etc


Materials required for application for residence permit for reunion:


1.Provide the identity and registered residence certificate of Chinese relatives (ID card, household register, etc.)


2.Provide proof of relationship with Chinese relatives (birth certificate, notarial certificate of relationship, etc.)


3.Other required materials, etc


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