
中书国画 2024-04-29 15:34:21


Li Keran, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu, was born in the thirty-third year of the Guangxu reign (1907) and emerged as a leading figure in modern Chinese painting, being a distinguished disciple of Qi Baishi. From his early years, he was fond of painting and by the age of thirteen, he had already begun to study landscape painting. In his later years, his brushwork became increasingly mature, mastering both landscapes and figures, and he was particularly noted for his paintings of oxen.


Master Li advocates the way of painting landscapes, emphasizing "valor and insight as treasures, and spirit and soul as essentials." He also advocates "delving deeply into ancient methods while daring to create new ideas," thus revitalizing the ancient art of landscape painting with a new brilliance. His theory on painting insists on progressing from simplicity to complexity, and then returning from complexity to simplicity, akin to poetry's journey from the superficial to the profound, and back to the beauty of simplicity. Regarding sketching, Master Li considers it the foundation for capturing the essence of all forms, deeply studying the subtleties of light and shadow. He believes that a thorough understanding of these elements significantly benefits the development of traditional Chinese painting.


"Four Oxen Painting"


"Suddenly Hearing Crickets Singing"


"Landscape Painting with Distant View"


"Autumn Colors of the Li River"


"Spring Rain in Jiangnan"


This painting, gifted to Li’s fourth sister, was one of Mr. Li Keran's exquisite works. The peach blossoms are in full bloom, creating a bright red scene. The houses, arch bridges, and distant mountains of Jiangnan are enveloped in the drizzling spring rain, appearing moist and mellow, with a dense mist and a clear, penetrating atmosphere, reflecting the rainy and moist climate of Jiangnan in spring.


"Huangshan 'Human Character' Waterfall"


On April 18, 1979, Li discussed sketching Mount Huang with overseas students, explaining that the peaks of Mount Huang are separate, making their structural organization challenging. He urged the students to carefully study the connections, veins, and relationships between the front and back mountains, and advised them to downplay the emphasis on perspective in their large compositions. He also shared a tip: when distinguishing objects (such as mountains and houses), they should not use Western color thinking but rather Chinese light and dark techniques, exaggerating the brightness of houses to address the sense of space. He emphasized that the hardest aspect of painting Mount Huang is capturing the weather, as the mountain comes alive with it, and the rolling clouds are crucial yet challenging to depict atmospherically.


"Releasing Rafts in the Forest Area"


This painting was a gift to Mr. Wang Guichen, depicting towering peaks standing like clouds on either side, with a narrow, steep rapid flowing between them, connecting with the clouds above as bamboo rafts bravely move forward in the rapid stream.


"Riding an Ox under the Plum Tree"


This painting shows a shepherd boy on an ox, looking up at a red plum tree. In 1942, Li lived in a farmhouse in Chongqing, next to an ox pen, spending his days with a large water buffalo, closely observing its habits and postures, which inspired him to start painting oxen in ink. In his later years, his studio was named "Master Ox Hall," reflecting his deep affection for oxen. Drawing from Qi Baishi's concise and vigorous brushwork and Huang Binhong's dense and mellow style, Li combined these techniques in his "Ox" theme, creating a national cultural symbol in his ox paintings. The inscription "Iron Bone and Red Heart Welcoming the Spring of the World," a phrase he enjoyed writing, expressed his joy of renewal after the Cultural Revolution.


"Shepherd Boy with Ox Scroll"


The painting depicts two oxen resting in water with their eyes closed; on the back of one ox, a naive shepherd boy wearing a conical hat leisurely holds a willow branch. Li Keran, a renowned contemporary painter and poet, is celebrated alongside Qi Baishi's shrimps, Xu Beihong's horses, and Huang Zhou's donkeys as one of the "Four Greats of 20th Century Chinese Ink Painting."


"Running Script of Du Fu's Poetry"


"Old Steed in the Stable, Aspiring to Travel a Thousand Miles"


"The Ultimate in Awkward Skillfulness"


Li Keran explored the artistic path, advocating the principle of "gathering one and refining ten," akin to the miner's toil and the alchemist's diligent smelting. True artistic creation demands a dual dedication of labor and perseverance. In his landscape paintings, he initially used linear brushwork to structure his works in the 1940s; by the 1950s, he transitioned to primarily using blocks of ink. Although his style appears simple on the surface, it embodies profound emotions and deep, far-reaching implications. Li excelled in using light to enhance scenes, particularly adept at capturing the spectacular effects of backlighting in forests at dawn and dusk. His style, mysterious and hazy, resembles a mesmerizing landscape of flowing, shimmering light, captivating the viewer.


Master Li's approach to figure painting captures a subtle expression of emotions in both motion and stillness. Despite exaggerated forms, his figures remain elegant and unpretentious, humorous yet clever, revealing the pleasures of life in every stroke. His depiction of oxen is particularly vivid, whether they are walking, resting, or frolicking by the water's edge. The herdsmen, perched leisurely on the oxen's backs, might be seen gazing at mountains, feeling the gentle caress of the wind, singing loudly in the woods, or racing against the river. With just a few brush strokes, he creates a vibrant pastoral scene, brimming with the spirit of nature and the essence of everyday life.


"Mountains Covered in Red"


Li Keran, inspired by Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring·Changsha," expressed his emotions through this painting, a pinnacle of his career. Exhibited in November 2000 at a Li Keran exhibition in Taiwan and included in the exhibition catalog, it was auctioned by Beijing Poly in the spring of 2012 for 293.25 million yuan.


In the year of Ji Si (1989), Li Keran passed away, aged eighty-two. His artistic achievements shine like the stars, forever illuminating the history of painting.


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