
海报威海 2024-05-17 11:06:32

假期出游,当然要去有海的地方,漫步海边,感受海的浪漫,文登区南海公园就是一个不错的选择。每年“五一”,南海公园都会耸立起座座沙雕,今年第十七届中国威海沙雕文化艺术节以“中华传说 山海神游”为主题,围绕中国的传说、神话等传统文化打造含有不同内涵的各类沙雕。在这里,我们既可以在沙滩上欢笑嬉戏,也可以安静地坐在海边,在沙滩上支起一顶帐篷,感受海风的吹拂,倾听海浪的轻唱,享受着难得的惬意时光。

For vacation trips, it is recommended to go to places with the sea, stroll by the seaside, and experience the romance of the sea. The Nanhai Park in Wendeng District is a good choice. Every year on May Day, sand sculptures are made in Nanhai Park. The 17th China Weihai Sand Sculpture Culture and Art Festival this year takes "Chinese Mythology and Legends" as the theme, creating various types of sand sculptures with different connotations around traditional Chinese culture such as legends and myths. Here, we can either laugh and play on the beach, or sit quietly by the beach, set up a tent on the beach, feel the breeze, listen to the gentle singing of the waves, and enjoy a rare and comfortable time.

(通讯员 赵瑞静 李进鹏)

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